Pro Environment
Five youth climate movements making an impact in the US
March 16, 2022
Around the world, youth climate movements are championing change for a sustainable future. Learn more about five leading youth organizations making an impact in the US and beyond.
- Youth Climate Save: This global youth movement focuses on the impact of food systems, particularly animal agriculture, on the climate crisis. Founded in 2020, Youth Climate Save has already grown to over 80 chapters around the world, including chapters in New York, California, and Washington DC.
- Youth v. Gov: Young people have sued governments to defend the rights of youth and future generations in the face of the climate crisis. In the case Juliana v. United States, the US government was taken to court for violating the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property, as well as for failing to protect essential public-trust resources. In the seven years since the Juliana v. US lawsuit was filed, there have been increasing waves of climate awareness that have brought young people to the forefront of the US climate movement.
- Zero Hour: A youth-led intersectional movement based out of the United States that works to center the voices of diverse youth in the conversation around climate and environmental justice, Zero Hour creates entry points, training, and resources for new young activists and organizers.
- Fridays for Future: This international movement of students striking for climate action began with 15-year-old Greta Thunberg sitting in front of the Swedish Parliament as a means of protesting the global inaction on climate. The next global climate strike day is coming up on March 25! Various US chapters have already announced involvement, including Chicago, Washington DC, and New York City.
- Sunrise Movement: A US youth movement aimed at stopping climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process, the Sunrise Movement is bringing young people together to make climate change an urgent priority across the US, as well as ending the corrupting influence of fossil-fuel executives on our politics and electing leaders who will stand up for the health and well-being of all people. The movement has helped to put climate concerns at the center of US elections and policy discussions.
A plant-based diet is better for the planet
A plant-based diet can have numerous positive effects on the environment, including the preservation of biodiversity, more sustainable use of resources, and combatting climate change.