Pro Taste
Vegan on a (student) budget
October 10, 2018
A vegan diet can be simple enough if based on starches, home-cooked beans, fresh or frozen vegetables and fruit. Main advice from experience as a frugal first-year student: buy in bulk and skip the luxuries.
Oats (R20, ±700g per week) or toast (R16 per week) are both affordable and filling. Add a handful of seeds (R20 per week) and raisins (R20 per week) for good measure and that comes to about R60 per week.
Sandwiches are by far the easiest option, with a tablespoon peanut butter – high protein and high energy. Alternatively, half an avo, half a can of baked beans or a few slices of Fry’s polony with veggies and mustard.
That’s about R16 a loaf per week and max R24 a tub of peanut butter for two weeks. If you choose avo or baked beans, that will be R6 per avo x 3 (R18) or R10 per tin baked beans x2 (R20) per week. That comes to a max of R36 per week.
A banana, apple and orange every day will come to about R30 per week.
This is where you can really get variety, and cheaply, if you cook in bulk!
– With starch: rice (basmati, jasmine, risotto), couscous, pasta, barley – ranging from R10/1kg rice to R32/500g box couscous – enough for one week
– With legumes: lentils, sugar beans, black beans, kidney beans, split peas, chickpeas – ranging from R17 a packet (uncooked) to R17 a tin, (cooked, about half the amount).
– Canned tomato with some onion and garlic is an excellent base – add frozen veggies (R30 a packet!) or one or two fresh vegetables like carrots, butternut, peppers, broccoli, etc.
When I cook, this usually comes to not more than R70 for a week of dinners!
Pantry stock
Your pantry stock – such as oil, sauces (soy, tomato, B-well mayo, mustard) and spices, tea and coffee – will cost the most, but you can collect them over time and then they last for months!
Total it up!
R60 + R36 + R30 + R70 – throw in a box of plant milk at R24 and a chocolate bar at R10, and we have R230 per week. Who knew that healthy, varied food could be so affordable?
Article written by UCT student CĂ©line Gravenor for ProVeg South Africa