2021 Annual Review

With economies around the world restarting and major decisions being made, your help is needed now more than ever to raise awareness around the multiple benefits of plant-based eating. Together, we can tackle climate change, animal suffering, and global health issues by raising awareness of the need to shift towards plant-based diets. 2022 will be a crucial year for the future of our planet. Your support can help make a big difference!

You can read about everything you helped to achieve in our Annual Review.

Message from Jimmy Pierson,
ProVeg UK Director

Jimmy Pierson

Thank you so much for your support in 2021, our biggest and best year so far!

We’re revolutionising school food. Through our School Plates programme, which doubled in size this year, we have now been responsible for at least 4.6 million school meals going meat-free or plant-based.

We started the year working with just seven school caterers, and ended it with 25 major catering partners, covering over 2,000 schools and feeding close to 300,000 children every day.

We also relaunched our plant-based school-chef training, holding our first workshop since the pandemic began in early 2020. The workshops are integral to our success, giving school chefs the tools to cook healthier and more delicious plant-based food that children will love.

It’s not just school food – we’re also working to influence food policy in the UK. We were officially consulted on the groundbreaking National Food Strategy, which calls for the UK to eat 30% less meat by 2032. And, together with Oatly, Alpro and others, we co-founded the Plant-Based Food Alliance UK to help make the UK a global leader in plant-based food and beverages.

We couldn’t do any of this without your support. If all our 25 catering partners introduced just one new meat-free day per week, that would mean roughly 15.5 million meals going meat-free or plant-based every year. Help us to reach this figure, and then double it. And then double it again!

Join the ProVeg movement, one (school) meal at a time.


Read the messages from other ProVeg countries