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ProVeg is going to Parliament! ‘Change can’t come soon enough’, Dr Hannah Short.

On Tuesday 16thOctober, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Vegetarianism and Veganism will meet in Westminster to discuss whether public authorities have a duty to provide plant-based meals on every public…

‘Celebrities reach people we do not – and lots of them.’

Following the Big Issue’s recent interview with Chris Packham about his decision to go vegan, I have been thinking about the impact of this public announcement, as well as the significance of other celebrities who…

4 Tiny Acts of Activism Every Day

Advocating for a plant-based diet can be challenging. Even bringing up the topic with friends, family or colleagues can sometimes lead to difficult conversations. So taking the next step from following the diet…

It’s World Plant Milk Day today!

Today, August 22nd, is World Plant Milk Day - a day to celebrate the wide array of plant-based milks on the market, highlight their many benefits - for people's health, for animals and for the planet - and to encourage…

‘Immediate action’ needed in schools to tackle record obesity rates

Shocking new research was released yesterday that shows obesity rates in children are at a record high in the UK, meaning the timing has never been better for our School Plates campaign.   The new figures…

Be the most effective vegan advocate you can be: Jamie Harris

Words by Jamie Harris, London Effective Animal Altruism   When thinking about the incomprehensible scale of suffering that factory farmed animals experience, it is tempting to drop whatever you’re doing…

Small local pub goes vegan for one night

As the movement grows, more and more restaurants, cafes and food outlets, large and small are offering vegan foods. Last month, The Aldwark Arms Pub & Restaurant in North Yorkshire hosted a night dedicated to…

Want to celebrate the NHS? Go plant-based.

#PlantbasedfortheNHS Today, the NHS celebrates its 70th birthday and decades of saving people’s lives, free of charge. This radical healthcare system is unique across the world in providing health care for everyone…

‘Feeding my daughter a vegan diet makes me feel powerful’

Words by James Odene, Media & Communications Manager, ProVeg UK   This is my third Father’s Day as a father myself and for me it is a day of evaluation, and hopefully also celebration. I find myself…

‘Fake meat’ is hitting the mainstream

After 400 Tesco stores stock a ‘bleeding’ fake meat created by Vivera and look to soon stock the highly anticipated Beyond Burger, it’s seems that the fake meat market is set to soar. Replacement ‘chicken’ options…

Be a Hero and Go Meat Free!

There are so many reasons to go meat-free, but if you're looking for some more then read on... There is what seems like a tidal wave of people reducing their meat consumption and initiatives like World Meat Free…

Internationally renowned course returns to the UK

On the 1st and 2nd September, the Centre for Effective Vegan Advocacy (CEVA) is holding its internationally renowned course in London. This is only the second time this has been offered in the UK and is set to be…
