Veganská móda
stylově a eticky
Nabídka módního a stylového oblečení, které neobsahuje živočišné produkty, v posledních letech rychle narůstá. Zjistěte více o alternativách k materiálům živočišného původu, jako je hedvábí, kůže a vlna.
1. European Parliament and the Council (2011): Textile fibre names and related labelling and marking of the fibre composition of textile products and repealing Council Directive 73/44/EEC and Directives 96/73/EC and 2008/121/EC, Online unter [11.07.2017]
2. International Finance Corporation & World Bank Group (2007): Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for Tanning and Leather Finishing. Online Unter [19.07.2017]
3. SCAHAW (2001): The Welfare of Animals Kept for Fur Production. Report of the Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare adopted on 12-13 December 2001. Online under[11.07.2017].
4. H.T. Korhonen, P. Eskeli, J. Sepponen, and P. Toikkanen (2013): Individual and group euthanasia in farmed mink. Annals of Animal Science, 13(3): 623-63
5. Fur Europe (2016): European fur production up by 39 % since 2005. Online unter [12.07.2017]
6. FAO & Common Fund for Commodities (2009): Proceedings of the Symposium on Natural Fibres – Rome 20. Oktober 2009. Online under [10.07.2017]
7. RSPCA Australia Knowledgebase (2015): What are the animal welfare issues with shearing of sheep? Online under [28.06.2017]
8. RSPCA Australia Knowledgebase (2016): What is mulesing and what are the alternatives? Online under [28.06.2017]
9. McGregor, B. (2001): Avoiding weather induced deaths of goats. Goat notes B19: Avoiding weather induced deaths of goats, pp. 76-77.
10. Gardetti, M. A. & S. S. Muthu (2015): Handbook of Sustainable Luxury Textiles and Fashion, Band 1, S. 117
11. American Down and Feather Council Certified (2017): Info for consumers. Online unter [11.07.2017]
12. Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals (2011): Report of the 270th Session. Online unter [17.07.2017]
13. Muthu, S. S. & M. A. Gardetti (2016): Green Fashion: Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes. Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media, Vol. 2, S. 113